Managing Principal’s Note

Phil FungPhil Fung, P.Eng.


Over 20 years of engineering and management experiences in robotics, control and automation systems integration, sustainable development consulting and energy efficient buildings design.

    • B.A.Sc. (Mechanical Engineering – HVAC)
    • M.Sc. (Systems Engineering)
    • Professional Engineer Registered in the Province of Ontario
    • Consulting Engineer Designated in the Province of Ontario
    • LEED®AP
    • Certified Energy Manager (CEM)
    • Certified Energy Auditor (CEA)
    • Certified Sustainable Development Professional (CSDP)
    • Certified Measurement & Verification Professional (CMVP)
    • OPA HPNC Energy Modeler
  • OPA City of Toronto-BBP Energy Modeler


Sustainable development and living is the only option that will allow people of all nations to survive on this planet earth, by equitably sharing earth’s limited natural resources.  We at SRS have a strong passion and commitment to preserving the earth and its natural resources for today and for future generations.

SRS’s expertise is in the field of sustainable buildings and community research, design and development. Recently, we have been involved in research projects in the area “Self-Sufficient Urban Buildings”. Our goal is to design Multi-Unit Residential buildings that will be self-sustained and which will incorporate the essential generation of food, energy and water (FEW).

A Self-sustained Multi-Unit Residential (SsMUR) building will:

  • Be independent of external FEW supplies, and hence reduce the necessity of city FEW infrastructure;
  • Have no concerns over FEW security;
  • Reduce the carbon footprint of the residents and mitigate their greenhouse emissions substantially;
  • Reduce potable water consumption and energy demand substantially;
  • Utilize free resources from nature – solar, wind, rainwater and air;
  • Learn from, and work with, nature to produce a harmonious structure.

The four pillars to the success of a SsMUR building are:

  • Learn from Nature
  • Emphasis on the 3 Rs
  • Utilize Natural Resources
  • Educate Residents

The cornerstone for the design and development of a SsMUR Building is to learn from nature. Biomimicry is the discipline of observing nature and applying nature’s lessons to human design and innovation.  Nature’s solutions have been tested for billions of years and are in harmony with the ecosystem.  The second pillar is the effective deployment of the 3 R’s: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle.  The third pillar is to utilize natural resources – solar, wind, rain, and daylight – effectively.  These resources are free, abundant, powerful and yet available everywhere.  The fourth pillar is to educate the residents and create a culture of conservation and cooperation among the community.